When researching settlement funding companies, it’s important to do your homework on interest rates. Because pre-settlement funding is an investment, not a loan, rates are not regulated within the industry. The danger here is that there are no interest rate caps. While one company may charge a higher flat interest rate, another company might charge […]

If you’re just beginning your research for funding sources during this challenging time of your personal injury lawsuit, keep reading. Pre-settlement funding is a good solution for those who need cash immediately to pay their medical and other bills. It’s awarded as a lump sum advance or in monthly installments over a period of time, […]

Picture this: You’re in the middle of a lawsuit, you’re not sure when it will settle (and how much, if anything, you’ll win in your settlement), and in the meantime, all kinds of bills are piling up. Perhaps you’ve been forced to take off a lot of time from work because of your injuries, or […]

In general, Resolution Funding and other firms like us tend to work with clients who have personal injury lawsuits in progress. The most common of those cases involve automobile accidents, but there are many other types of cases in which plaintiffs seek damages for personal injuries. Here are a few types you may have heard […]